ia ARTitudine! Festival

15th-18th July, "La Motoare" - Bucharest

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Breakdancers - festival participants!

DLT Was initiated in 2004 by the fusion of bboys from 3 cities in
Romania: Barlad, Tecuci, Craiova.

DLT members say about themselves, they are not just a crew of Bboys, but it also brings together four elements of HIP HOP.
A little bit o history of the battles that DLT crew had attended.
1ST Place: Vaslui 2006
1ST Place: Bucuresti (wu tang concert) 2006
3RD Place: Timisoara (Bring it On The Floor2) 2006
2ND Place: Lugoj 2007
3RD Place: Bucuresti (RoomRock) 2008
4RT Place: Bacau (Biohazard) 2008

Members: Pyciu, Soto, Emil, Morthy, OG, Gigi, Boxy, Duval, Markone, Bayu.

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