ia ARTitudine! Festival

15th-18th July, "La Motoare" - Bucharest

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

The Living Library feed-back!!

Yesterday the Living Library opened!! The Library had on its shelves a lot of interesting books : homosexual, pensionar, biciclist, Italian, politist, musulman, dentul, functionar public, psihdog, volntar, artist contemporan, preot, tiganca, Czech social assistant and a dictionary. 50 readers had the curiousity to read the books. Don´t forget that this chance is available until saturday 18.30 - 20.00. Be one of the lucky persons and rent a living book that You are interested in : voluntar cu dizabilitai, voluntar la varsta, voluntar Spaniol din familie monoparentala, fosta anorexica/bulimica and also the books that You could rent yesterday! Coma and see us in the action and be a part of us!!!!

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